DataSuite | Custom innovation in manufacturing data solutions

DataSuite | Custom innovation in manufacturing data solutions

Every manufacturing project has many, complicated elements and process considerations. Material components, investment in stock on hand, re-supply timelines, infrastructure capacity, alterations to design, updating workflows, and more.

Every business is unique. Each company has its own set of systems and platforms. Some new. Some inherited legacy systems. Some with quirky requirements that can make them a little difficult to work with.

Before any machinery starts, all these elements are referenced in data that often resides in different systems, perhaps across team members, maybe in different countries with collaborators and other third parties.

Production efficiency and bottom-line revenue, comes down to how well you are able to action the data and streamline the workflow. It was in response to this challenge that Central Innovation created an integration product, DataSuite.

Developed to meet the needs of Australian businesses, DataSuite enables companies to move and manage data between independent systems without manual processing. By providing a unifying platform between systems, DataSuite transforms the complex task of transferring and updating data in different systems with a single, automated process that eliminates errors and reduces costs.

Manual data harmonisation between different systems is complex, tedious and prone to error. Subsequently, significant time is spent locating the data and reconciling it instead of making data-driven decisions. This causes a delay in time-to-market, lost productivity, and profit.

DataSuite prevents this and speeds up the build process to increase efficiency and profitability. Functions include:

  • ETL (Extract Transform Load) – gathering data created in siloed environments such as CAD and ERP systems, then transforming it into a neutral format that can be manipulated and then moved easily to other differently structured systems and equipment.
  • Connectors – specific connectors to the platform for ERP, PDM, CRM and MRP systems such as MS Nav Dynamics, SAP, Pronto, NetSuite, M1; and
  • Triggers ­ automatically invoking movement of data on defined events and rules.
  • Design Studio – allowing the user to define business rules and event triggers;
  • Transactions Monitor – providing a real-time monitor of data flow as well as static reports;
  • Reconciliation – allowing the manipulation of data mid-flow to transform into a format a second system can read correctly;
  • PIOL (Production Information Orchestration Layer): – providing an advanced visual interface for managing production information data (attributes and relations).


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