What is Governance?

What is Governance?

Engineering governance can be seen as a subset of Corporate governance and an essential part of the Manufacturing and Production environment.

It involves the management and setting up of processes, structures, policies that best align themselves with the business and the risks in running that business to your employees, board, public – in fact all stake holders that come into contact with items or services that you provide.

A video on corporate governance that gives an over view is located on the “Governance Institute of Australia” website. Whilst this is general overview I recently found an article from “Thomas Richter” “Digitize your Engineering governance system to help mitigate risks”.

After reading through you will see why Dassault Systemes has a Group or Domain of products called simply “Governance”. This group includes roles that allow Planning, Develop and Release, Collaboration and Sourcing and Standardisation. The digitizing of your product or services allows flexibility and efficiency to be obtained with processes that are quickly adapted and available to all in the engineering environ. Issue management, change actions, revision management and process are all about minimizing risk and the information being shared through collaboration – this also allows input earlier in the design process with a view to improvements in process and design.

Please have a read of the article “Digitize your Engineering governance system to help mitigate risks” as it is very informative.

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